Technologies for efficient management and scheduling of cloud resources in cloud for reducing Alpis data center energy consumption – Eco2Cloud


The primary goal of the Eco2Cloud initiative is to reduce energy usage within the Alpis Data Centre (ADC) for tasks that have dynamic characteristics. This will be accomplished by intelligently managing the planning, allocation, and scaling of computing resources while ensuring that the agreed-upon performance levels for customers are maintained.

Other objectives:

Transfer knowledge and expertise in efficient allocation, management, and scaling of compute resources in public clouds to Alpis with the aim of improving data center utilization efficiency and quality of services provided to customers.

Assessment and visualisation of current and future energy efficiency levels in DDC operation using the Distributed Systems Research Laboratory-developed “Greeness Level Assessment” technique and industry-defined performance indicators.

  • Time

    2016 -2018
  • Project value

    460.000 RON (~92,000 Euro)
  • Coordinator

    Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
  • Local Coordinator

    Prof. Tudor Cioara