Energy Transition Audits towards Decarbonization (EnTRAINER)


EnTRAINER aims to introduce a paradigm shift from conventional energy audits to a new, holistic and complete methodology of “Energy Transition Audits” (ETA). With this new approach, the main focus is to provide a multi-benefit scheme and a complete action plan towards full decarbonization of the audited sites.


  • A concise and evidence-based methodology to materialize the energy transition audits, define what an energy transition audit means in terms of the effective approach and goals, to reach a clear pathway for the decarbonization of the audited company.
  • Aggregate the multiple benefits of the energy transition audit methodology for the audited companies in terms of direct and indirect gains, solutions to overcome the existing obstacles, promoting energy efficiency investments and eventually leading to the implementation of a decarbonization action plan.
  • Establish a collective approach in performing the energy transition audits. This approach aims to engage along with the Energy Transition Auditors, the Energy Managers from the audited companies, the environmental staff, the maintenance staff and the company decision makers, to define the proper strategies to improve energy efficiency but also to pave the way towards low carbon action plan.
  • Increased rate of transformation of energy audits into concrete measure implementation.
  • Upskill the competences of energy auditors implementing practical applied training on how to sell and how to buy the energy transition audits, on how to transform a technical energy audit to a global proposal to enhance the company’s strategy, highlighting funding opportunities and setting the targets for energy transition. To involve more than 240 energy auditors.
  • Bridge the gap in skills, knowledge, and communication capacities between Energy Auditors and Energy Managers and company staff in pair collective approach teams / trainings / case studies knowledge sharing / lessons learned experience sharing / know-how transfer.
  • Highlight the multiple benefits of improving energy efficiency by tackling not only the technical and cost-benefit issues, but also the societal and business challenges in relation to the climate change, pollution, environmental issues, ISO systems.

  • Time

    December 2022 – November 2025
  • Project value

    1.842.112,00 euro
  • Coordinator

    Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)
  • Local Coordinator

    Assoc. Prof. Eng. Denisa Șteț, PhD

Project outputs

  • 5 energy transition audits per year x 4 countries x 2 last project years = 40 directly performed energy transition audits
  • 5 energy audits per year x 4 countries x 2 last project years, by activating the involved Energy transition Auditors and on-site Energy Managers = 40 triggered energy transition audits.
  • 30 Energy Auditors to attend each of the 2 accredited courses per partner country= 240 upskilled Energy Auditors
  • 30 Energy experts (Managers or related staff) to attend each of the 2 accredited courses per partner country = 240 upskilled Energy Managers (or experts)
  • 5 staff members or decision makers to attend each of the in-house trainings in the 80 audited companies = 400 company staff & decision makers

EnTReC main contribution

  • As a work package leader in WP2: Paradigm shift towards a holistic energy transition audit methodology, is actively involved in creating a holistic methodology for energy transition audits resulting in a comprehensive decarbonization plan tailored to the company’s needs.
  • As a task leader, EnTReC will lead the development of the Energy Transition Audit Guidelines that will pave the way on how to sell and how to buy the energy transition audits and further on the decarbonization action plans implementation.
  • Contribution to programs design and responsible for courses accreditation at the national level.
  • Implementation of the accredited training course in Romania
